Home Cage Culling Chamber
Home Cage Culling Chamber Clinipath Semi-Automatic Culling Units Clinipath’s Semi-Automatic CO2 Culling Chambers are designed and tested by leading UK research facilities to minimise distress for rodents and ensure a safer environment for technicians and researchers. These units also help reduce costs and lower your CO2 footprint. Connects to standard CO2 regulators, with a maximum […]
PACs System
PACs System Pre Anaesthesia Culling System Introducing the P.A.C.System, an innovative development designed in collaboration with various research facilities for Schedule 1 use. This system ensures a stress-free euthanasia process for rodents by using their own home cage to deliver a rising concentration of CO2/O2 and Isoflurane gases. Accommodates up to four cages with proximity […]
Rat Culling Chamber
Rat Culling Chamber Clinipath Semi-Automatic Culling Units Clinipath Semi-Automatic Culling Units are CO2 culling chambers designed and tested by leading UK research facilities to minimise distress for rodents and enhance safety for technicians and researchers. These units are cost-effective and environmentally friendly, helping reduce your CO2 footprint. Connects to a standard CO2 regulator with a […]
Twin IVC Culling System
Twin IVC Culling System Fully Automated CO2 Euthanasia System Our fully automated CO2 Euthanasia system is designed to deliver CO2 gas for a pre-set time and flow rate directly to animals in their IVC home cage. This simple and efficient system features: Pre-programmed 20% rising concentration to ensure consistency and minimise distress. Direct CO2 distribution […]